Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Air Canada's L10A, CF-TCC lands at Lyncrest!!!

At 4:40 pm, Monday, September 16th, 2012, Air Canada's precursor, Trans Canada Air Lines' first airliner, CF-TCC landed on Runway 27 at Lyncrest Airport. On final approach for Runway 27, numerous neighbours watched from their back yard gardens and a large group of historical aviation enthusiasts watched from the airfield, with amazement as the sun glittered off the gleaming all metal tail dragger! Recently retired Air Canada Captains Larry Brown and Gerry Norberg volunteered to fly this beautifully handcrafted antique from Ottawa to Winnipeg. It is the only L10A flying in the world and is on its last leg to the WCAM.

Larry Updyck interviewed Gerry Norberg on CBCs Afternoon Show, September 17th and CTV-TV filmed the historical arrival, broadcasting the event on the evening news, September 16th! Check your local paper for more news!

Thursday, September 20th at 10:45 am, Captains Larry and Gerry will be taking off on the traditional grass runways at Lyncrest for CF-TCCs last flight!! Everyone is welcome to come out to watch this amazing event - bring your cameras!! Send photos to jill_oakes@umanitoba.ca if you'd like them shared on this site. We're looking for copies of the photos with Adrian and John in the cockpit.

Here are a few of the photos taken on Monday when CF-TCC arrived!

John Blackner and Adrian Mielleur

 Ted Jenzen (retired Air Canda Captain) John Blackner (retired meteorologist) and Bert Elam (Air Canada Captain) were part of the large group that gathered to wait for CF-TCC's arrival....listening to radio reports received on Adrian Mielleur's handheld aircraft radio.
 CTV-TV news covered this historic moment thanks to Jon Hendericks!

 CF-TCC approaching overhead Lyncrest Airport - one last time!

Carrol Brown and MJ Norberg with Mom, Jean Norberg, watch their husbands arrive with the antique plane.

Charlene and Jim Charette live nearby.

 On short final for runway 27!

 Captain Larry Brown greased it on with a wheel landing.

 Vic Prefontaine was a renown metal worker for Air Canada and worked with a team of mechanics for two years restoring CF-TCC so it could be used as a fund raiser for Air Canada's Dreams Take Flight program!

 CF-TCC Taxiing to the parking area.

 In awe and amazement to see CF-TCC a 1937 air liner parked in front of the Lyncrest Airport's original hangar.

 Captain Larry Brown

 Captains Larry Brown and Gerry Norberg with Master Metal Worker Vic Prefontaine.

 Perry Chromiec tries out Humphrey Bogart's seat!

 Vic Prefontaine checking out the riveting he did about 10 years ago!

 John Blackner (left) and Malcolm Dewar (right)

 Captain Larry Brown.

 Carrol Brown checking out the passenger seats.

 All the recreational pilots had to take a moment to sit in the cockpit - Jill Oakes, John Wood, with Captain Larry Brown bringing the experience to life by sharing his first-hand experiences flying it back from Ottawa.

 Airi Canada Captain Bert Elam
 John Wood leaving the tiny cockpit

 Captain Bert Elam took a few seconds before he had all the details sorted out on the instrument panel.

 Captain Larry Brown in the cockpit.